Why are my hair turning grey prematurely?

We have heard for years that the obstacles of life will turn your hair grey. But not really. Today, every third person is struggling with premature greying of hair. People are more concerned about grey hair because hair plays such an important role in one’s appearance. Even some strands of grey give off an odd look. Premature greying among teenagers and 20-somethings is a bigger concern. People with grey hair, on the other hand, appear to be older than their actual age. There are many reasons behind the greying of follicles and the changing colour of the hair to grey. Today, changing food habits, addiction to smoking, and deficiencies in certain vitamins and nutrients cause grey hair. A nutritious diet combined with regular hair oiling results in healthy follicles with regulated blood flow, which not only promotes pigmentation cells but also hair growth.
Why is my hair turning grey?
● Weak Pigmentation Cells: Pigmentation cells, also known as colour cells, are responsible for hair colour. Dead pigmentation cells or weak ones are unable to give colour to the hair and so turn the hair grey.
● Deficiencies: Any deficiency of vitamin A, C, B6, B12, D, or E can cause premature greying of your hair. These vitamins are essential for healthy hair growth and promote the pigmentation cells in the follicles.
● Genetics: Most hair problems are concerned with genetics. If a person has a hereditary problem of grey hair, the greying gene grows with age in follicles and turns out to be responsible for premature greying. Usually, in the case of genetic hair greying, there is less chance of remedy.
● Stress & Depression: Mental health is as important for hair problems as any other factor. Stress and tension affect mental well-being and so impact the metabolism and nervous system of the body. It also results in a bad mood and behavioural changes in a person, which indirectly also affects their healthy hair.
● To Do’s: Deficiencies are the root cause of any disease. As well, each and every problem in our body goes through the stomach. Starting the day with vitamin A-rich carrot juice will say good morning louder to your hair. Consuming more citrus fruits in your diet can provide amazing results for both grey and healthy hair. You can also take 500 or 1000 mg vitamin C capsules post-lunch or dinner. Vitamin B12 can be taken as a supplement, but you need to remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
● Don’ts : Smoking is not only harmful to the respiratory system but also to the whole body’s metabolism, including hair health. Smoking causes the deficiency of vitamin C and hence affects the greying of hair. For healthy hair and to prevent premature greying, you must avoid caffeine, especially coffee. Avoiding spicy and oily foods has also shown effective results in preventing premature hair greying.